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The Big Help Out
Monday 8th May 2023

Can you lend us a hand? To mark His Majesty The King’s Coronation thousands of organisations across the country are getting together to give us all the chance to help out in our own local communities. Starting on Monday 8th May there will be opportunities for everyone to join in.

The Big Help Out day has passed now, but there's still plenty of opportunities to volunteer, and there's always activities to take part in around Stanley. See what's coming up on the Calendar, or for more inspiration see our Volunteering page.

KC III Coronation Logo

From rolling up your sleeves to help a local group, to supporting some of the UK’s best-known national charities, the Big Help Out on Monday 8 May will give everyone an opportunity to join in.


Hundreds of activities are planned for the day by local community groups, organisations and charities including The Scouts, Royal Voluntary Service, National Trust and RNLI.


Don’t worry if you can’t do Monday 8th May, you can volunteer at ANY time. It can be an hour, 2 hours, 1 day, every week, only now and then – it’s absolutely fine however long it is, just as much time as you can SPARE.

We have provided just a few links to organisations who would welcome your help on our volunteering page but if you would like to do something more locally, Stanley Residents Group have opportunities for you to become involved too. Here are just a few things which need attention in the village for the benefit of all and which will make a huge difference to making Stanley a great place to live.


On the 8th May we will have volunteers at the following places where you will be able to join in with tasks and get to know more about what we do and are planning for Stanley:


At the Community Orchard we have some abandoned wheel trims which have been decorated by local school children. They need fixing to the bridge wall in the design of a flower and we desperately need help to do this. We also need a retaining path making on the slope in front of the wall and numerous planting jobs.


Our Community Garden opposite the library needs the raised beds staining to protect the wood and the flower bed at Cross Keys on Lake Lock Road needs the wooden sleepers staining. We have all the equipment so just come along if you can help, 10am to 12noon on Monday 8th May.

Bug Hotel

Bug Hotel in the Church Yard


Needs a waterproof sloping roof on it. Some tiles available.

Little Library

Little Library Swap Shop


The roof is starting to need repair as well as the boards at the bottom.


It has been moved out of position and needs putting back.


If you can help please let us know.

Little Library

The Little Library donated to the people of Stanley.


The roof needs repair. If you can help, please let us know.

Little Library
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