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Stanley Gala 2024

Stanley Gala 2024

Saturday 3rd August 12pm-5pm
St Peter's Church Centre
Lake Lock Road, Stanley WF3 4HW

All the money raised from the Gala goes back into the village to support Stanley Residents' Group projects and to help provide the Hanging Baskets.

A fun afternoon for all!

Thank you all for coming to a great 2024 Stanley Gala! It was great seeing you all.

For the Raffle prizes, please CLICK HERE!

Hello everyone,

Stanley Residents Group volunteers would like to thank all those who supported the Gala. The stallholders, Stanley Starlights for their 2 marvellous performances and Muddy Paws for the Dog Show, all the special guests and judges, Clark's Brewery for providing some of the drinks for the Beer Tent and all of those people who gave us the biggest Raffle prize list we have ever had! The Best in Show was a little smaller this year but no less appreciated by those who participated and provided some magnificent exhibits.

But most of all, thank you to all of you who came to support on the day, we think, all round it has been the best ever Gala, raising over £3000, all to be poured back into the village one way or another.

A very exhausting day but well worth it. 


We try very hard to provide something for all ages with our events and projects throughout the year - Flower beds and pots, Hanging Baskets, a free Orchard and vegetable space, free Entertainment at the Gala for the kids, maps and info boards for the Heritage Trail, cash prizes for the Raffle, Veg Show and Scarecrow Trail. And we love to do it but our volunteer numbers are dwindling and whilst we still have ideas, motivation and enthusiasm, we find ourselves becoming less able to fulfil what we would like to offer.

We desperately need extra pairs of hands in all areas - from Committee members, organising and grafting, down to weeding and just attending meetings. We would hate to have to choose which things we can provide and which would have to be shelved for lack of manpower.

PLEASE consider joining us no matter how much or little time you can offer, regardless of your abilities. More hands make lighter work all around and there's always something you'll be able to help with.

Best wishes from the volunteers at Stanley Residents Group.

Please enjoy the below pictures from this year's Gala.

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