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Other Local Activities in and around Stanley

Here are a number of other activities in and around the Stanley area that may be of interest to you.

St Peters

St Peter's Church Stanley
A growing Church, in the heart of the Stanley community


The Crown Green Bowling season runs from April till September.

Click the image to find out more about how to join or just support your local team.​

Nordic Walking

Nordic Walking from Stanley Ferry runs from April till September.

Meet us at the front Stanley Ferry Car Park - WF3 4LT - every Tuesday starting at 18:15 prompt.​

Click on the image for further information about Nordic and Health Walks around the Wakefield District.

Walking from Stanley Library every Tuesday 12:00 to 13:00.

Interested in going for a short relaxing walk around the village, meeting up with like-minded individuals.  Routes will vary from week to week, expect to walk approximately 2 miles and don't forget to wear suitable coats and shoes.  At the end of the walk treat yourself to a cuppa and a biscuit back at the Library.

Other Activities TBC to be set up here.​

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