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Earth Day
22nd April 2023

Invest in the Earth

Earth Day
Earth Day

SRG have recently given away fruit trees and saplings with the intention of increasing the number of trees planted in the village, by offering them to individual families and households.

We have also planted trees and shrubs at the Community Orchard and around the village specifically to help the survival of butterflies and natural biodiversity.


Permanently changing just 1 thing each will make a HUGE impact. Choose an Eco-friendly household or personal product, or make just 1 lifestyle change.

In the village...

We have a series of posters around the village depicting the some of the problems the Earth is facing Globally and showing how we can help if we each act Locally. These have been designed specifically for this year’s Earth Day event by our very own Digby Bates as part of his commitment and activities for his Duke of Edinburgh Award.

A massive THANK YOU to him for all his hard work and interest.

Every single person’s actions make a huge difference so choose to make it a POSITIVE ACTION.

Watch out for the pavement messages around the village. All have been sprayed using eco-friendly chalk paint which is only temporary and will wash away harmlessly.

Do a litter pick near where you live to help our local wildlife, to keep our ponds, lakes, river and canal clear of rubbish.



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