About Stanley Residents' Group
The Stanley Residents' Group (SRG) volunteers work together to improve our local environment, to bring people together, and to help address local concerns or issues within Stanley.
It is a non-political and non-religious group that is free and open to everyone to join who lives in Stanley or has strong ties to it.
The group started in 2012 in response to plans to build on local greenbelt land. Since then it has grown and taken on a life of its own! We care passionately about Stanley and its community of residents and do a wide range of activities to bring the community together and keep Stanley a lovely place to live.
Who are we?
The SRG is made up of local volunteers. If you live in Stanley and want to be part of the group, you are! Many members join the closed SRG Facebook group, or volunteer at events.
The group is organised by a committee that meets about once a month. The committee makes decisions about what the group will do, and sources and allocates funds for its activities. Anyone can become a member of the committee by coming to meetings and joining the email list.
The Committee
Officers of the committee are elected each year at the January AGM. The current officers are:
Chair Tracy Donaghey
Vice Chair Adam Donaghey
Secretary Nicola Sinclair
Treasurer Anne Waring
Health and Safety officers Jackie Ineson/Sally Sparke
Communications officer Vacant
If you would like to receive agendas and minutes of the meetings send an email to stanleyresidentsgroup@gmail.com
Local councillors attend our meetings, and have taken on board many of the ideas that members bring, including new benches, trees, Christmas decorations and lights.
Our Constitution is available to download here.
Our Privacy Policy and our website-related policies can be viewed here.
What do we do?
Run events to bring people together and raise funds
Some happen every year:
Stanley Gala in August Read more
Scarecrow Trail in autumn
The vegetable, flower and baking show, run alongside the Stanley Gala Read more
We also run one-off events, such as:
Teddy Bear’s Picnic, Stanley Goes Wild, Race Nights, the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee fete
Improve the local area through gardening projects, planters and flowering tubs
Lake Lock Road community garden
Lime Pit Lane flower bed
Cross Keys corner
St Peter’s Church flower beds (in partnership with St Peters)
Flowering planters on Lake Lock Road and at the top of Mount Road (At the junction of Mount Road, Long Causeway, Canal Lane and Lee Moor Road)
Community Orchard on Mount Road Read more
Planting trees and spring bulbs across Stanley
Seed and sapling give-away events
Hanging baskets across Stanley, funded by local businesses, residents and money raised at our events
Created a Heritage Trail funded by the Co-op and National Lottery. Read more
Fight planning applications for inappropriate development of our green belt land
Keep the area tidy and welcoming through:
Regular litter picks
Decorating little Christmas trees around the area
Install new places to sit and enjoy the area
Installed and maintain the Stanley Little Library on Lake Lock Road
Help people know what is going on through:
New noticeboards that are kept up to date
Running a local Facebook page (5.5k users) LINK
We work in partnership with many other local groups, including churches, schools, Scouts and Brownies on these and other projects. We raise funds through events and grant applications.